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TOGI Professional

Maintaining the work-life balance is an art in today’s demanding and fast-paced life. Creating a stress-free personal lifestyle in an executive role is truly rewarding, and much needed to perform optimally.   


Our executives, leaders, influencers and anyone who inspires to make a difference require the need to calculate risks and implementations.  They also need to set S.M.A.R.T goals, execute methodically, and more while having high emotional intelligence in today’s competitive business. 


In order to perform at a high demanding capacity, concentration, focus, physical strength and resilience become key attributes. Private yoga classes provide valuable tools to gain this mental clarity and physical betterment. The ever-evolving practice helps people, from executives to children, aim for success, with a strong body, mindfulness, increase creativity and lead with the compassion and empathy true leaders require. 

The difference when practicing yoga with TOGI 

“Our finding of high and increasing rates of exposure to mindfulness practices among workers is encouraging.  Approximately 1 in 7 workers report engagement in some form of mindfulness-based activity, and these individuals can bring awareness of the benefit of such practices into the workplace.”
- CDC Journal Preventing Chronic Disease 
Yoga Made Me a Better CEO

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